Mardi Gras Music and Mingle
February 21, 2023 6:00 - 10:00pm | Assembly Hall and Community Hall
The Diaconate is hosting a Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday/Fat Tuesday) Party to kickoff the season of Lent. Deb Dipprey and her Extension Board are providing Jambalaya (spicy and not spicy options), Cajun Cornbread, and special desserts. Contact Deb if you’d like to help with food and/or decorations. Dinner will be served from 6 to 7pm in the Assembly Hall. John Elg and Noble Ford are forming a “house band” that will perform from 6:30 to 7pm in the Community Hall, followed by a jazz quartet led by John Dietz (from Dietz Bros Music). The Dietz Band will play from 7-10pm. If you’d like to help with set up and clean up, please contact Larry Humphrey. Talk to Craig Torrey to help with the dance floor set up and take down. Jim Belt and his “bow tie buddies” are handling the bar. If you’d like to make wine/beer donations, please contact Jim Goswiller. Michael and Ryan Thorpe are handling the lighting/dance ball, and Nick Gerlits will be on the sound board. All we need now is YOU!