Mariner’s Super Bowl Party
February 12, 2023 2:30 pm | Wallin's Home
We are so excited to announce that our Mariner Super Bowl Party will take place at the Wallin’s home on February 12th, starting at 2:30pm!! Choose from delicious cheeseburgers or yummy brats for your main course. Chili and dessert will also be served, as well as your favorite beverages!!!
Each couple attending must bring an appetizer or dessert to share. No chips and dips please. The cost is $20 per person. Please sign up at coffee hour on 1/22, 1/29, or 2/5 with your check and main course choice. You can also sign up by emailing Jim G. at Please send a check to Jim at 1427 3rd Street, Manhattan Beach 90266. Please note your main course choice on the check.
Please remember all checks must be in by February 10th to attend this event!! We hope to see you at this classic Mariner event!!