Serving those in need in our greater community through grass roots efforts is one of our church’s key core values.
Access Books
Access Books works to fix the deep, generational disparity in achievement between the haves and the have-nots in California schools by providing quality books to public school and community libraries in areas where the majority of students live at or below the poverty line. Since 1999, with the help of volunteers, Access Books has refurbished over 300 libraries and donated more than 1.7 million books as well as collaborated with partners to host fun, literacy experiences for families in communities throughout Los Angeles. MBCC members can help rebuild a library through on-site participation by sorting donated books for classroom libraries or painting literacy murals. Also, gently used kids books for classroom libraries may be donated (approximately 2,500 books are needed for one school).
1736 Family Crisis Center
Since 1972, 1736 Family Crisis Center has responded to the growing needs of victims of domestic violence, runaway and homeless youth, victims of human trafficking, homeless families, homeless and at-risk Veterans, unemployed adults and youth, and other low-income community members in need of assistance. Men, women, children and families can access life-saving support 24 hours a day through five shelters, five community service centers, various community-based offices and co-locations and five crisis and suicide hotlines. MBCC has continuously and enthusiastically supported 1736 FCC for over 40 years, providing monthly funds to support these services. A portion of these MBCC funds are used specifically to provide groceries for the youth shelter. One of our church members chaired the governing board of 1736 FCC for 30 years.
Habitat for Humanity
With the support of community partners, donors and volunteers, Habitat LA constructs new or renovates existing homes alongside Habitat partner homebuyers. Our partner homebuyers make a small down payment and monthly mortgage payments, and they invest 200-500 hours of sweat equity hours building their future Habitat home and the homes of other Habitat homebuyers. Habitat homes are sold to partner homebuyers at no profit and are financed with affordable loans. Twice a year, MBCC volunteers for a high-energy workday with Habitat For Humanity. One day is devoted to constructing a new house, while the other day is focused upon renovating an existing house by performing repairs, painting, providing landscaping, etc. Our volunteers must be at least 16 years old, but no special skills are required. Besides providing volunteer workers, we contribute financially to these projects.
MBCC has worked with Technoserve since 1978 to help break the cycle of poverty in communities throughout the developing world. Technoserve’s staff members (almost entirely from the country being served) provide skills training to help the workers in these communities to turn their hard work and entrepreneurial spirit into skilled jobs, viable business enterprises, and increased income. Currently Technoserve has programs in over 40 developing countries and has helped over 10 million people. Technoserve is an effective and well respected international non-governmental organization devoted to eradication of poverty through sound business practices. You may support Technoserve through personal donations (checks made out to Technoserve/MBCC delivered to the church office).

Alternative Christmas Fair
Celebrate our annual Joy of Giving event, the Alternative Christmas Fair! The MBCC Alternative Christmas Fair provides an opportunity for giving to local, regional and international mission projects. The Alternative Christmas Fair is held annually in early December on the patio immediately after worship service. Church goers have an opportunity to learn more about the various organizations MBCC supports before making their donations. Each year your generous donations and purchases help make Christmas special for those in need.

Caring Ministries
Caring Mininstries supports MBCC congregation members in need of visits, meals, transportation, and educational and exercise programs. Contact Jodi Bushdiecker ( if you are interested in volunteering with this organization or if you have need of it’s services.
Reading Partners
Reading Partners is a national nonprofit that mobilizes communities to provide students with the proven, individualized reading support they need to read at grade level by fourth grade. MBCC has actively participated in the Reading Partners Program at nearby FDR Elementary School. MBCC volunteers use Reading Partner’s well-established systematic approach which involves an hour or two of tutoring each week. Each volunteer is assigned to one student for the school year, an opportunity that has proven to make a difference for the children and our community.
Manhattan Beach Counseling Center
Founded in 1997, we have served numerous families and individuals throughout the surrounding community and beyond. Manhattan Beach Community Church has provided a safe and welcoming space that has allowed us to provide accessible and affordable counseling services. Counseling is provided by dedicated pre-licensed clinicians. Our interns have completed their Master level programs and are fulfilling the 3000 hours requirement needed to be a candidate to take the Marriage and Family Therapy board exam. They are supervised by licensed therapists and our primary goal is the care provided to our clients.

Wednesday Work Crew
The Wednesday Work Crew volunteers most Wednesdays to help maintain the church property. They’ve painted, landscaped, created and installed parking signs, cleaned up the parking lot and so much more. And they have a lot of fun together in the process. Our church would not be in nearly as great of shape without them. Show up and help out!
Family Promise of the South Bay
Family Promise of the South Bay, works through local churches to help homeless families with children achieve housing stability and self-sufficiency.They provide supplies and food (cold breakfast & lunch items and prepared dinners), dine, and spend evening time with the families, stay overnight, set up/take down the rooms, launder the linens, and provide loving care. MBCC is a Support Congregation and our volunteers serve the families by providing meals, hospitality, funds for gas and grocery cards, donating backpacks and school supplies, and teaching enrichment classes. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated!
Project Needs
Project Needs supports the hungry and unhoused in the South Bay. MBCC has supported this local philanthropy for more than 25 years with volunteers, food staples and hygiene products. Tuesday night hot dinners are prepared weekly and served at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Redondo Beach for the hungry and unhoused. Recent special events have included a Covid mobile vaccina?on clinic hosted by Torrance Memorial Medical Center and more recently a summer barbecue. The bimonthly food pantry, with mobile food bank supplying fresh produce, will resume once it is deemed safe.